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Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 172

Veterinary Product Number - 172

Comments: There are some 1000 species of acacia in the world, and Australia (where most of them are called “wattles”) and Africa (including the “umbrella thorn” seen in many wildlife...

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Type - Other

Human Product Number - 145

Veterinary Product Number - 145

Comments: Alfalfa is an herbaceous, perennial legume grown as hay (especially for dairy cattle), to a great extent as forage, and to a lesser degree as a human food (such...

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Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 202

Veterinary Product Number - 202

Comments: Allscale is a slow-growing evergreen shrub that reaches 3.5 to 7 feet in height and roughly the same in diameter. The branches are gray to yellowish-brown. The bark sheds...

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American Beech

American Beech

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 76

Veterinary Product Number - 76

Comments: This species becomes a large tree and likes moist rich uplands. It has distinctive smooth, grayish-blue bark. Its leaves are oval and pointed, with short teeth along the margins....

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American Elm

American Elm

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 92

Veterinary Product Number - 92

Comments: The American elm is a very widespread medium-sized or large tree typically found in floodplains, ravines, and other moist areas, often following rivers far westward into otherwise mostly treeless...

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American Sycamore

American Sycamore

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 138

Veterinary Product Number - 138

Comments: American sycamore is a common tree in floodplains along rivers but occasionally grows in drier areas in disturbed soil. It is easily recognized by its light-colored bark that comes...

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Annual Mugwort

Annual Mugwort

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 47

Veterinary Product Number - 47

Comments: Annual Mugwort is an annual short-day plant. It naturally grows to be 12-40 inches tall. The leaves are less than 2 inches long and are divided by deep cuts...

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Annual Saltbush

Annual Saltbush

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 199

Veterinary Product Number -

Comments: Annual Saltbush flowers summer into early fall. It is found in alkaline or saline habitats, often along roadsides, in undisturbed fields, and in vacant lots. It is an annual...

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Arizona (Fremont) Cottonwood

Arizona (Fremont) Cottonwood

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 255

Veterinary Product Number - 255

Comments: This is the common cottonwood of the southwestern quarter of the US, and is quite similar to its close relatives the eastern and plains cottonwoods. The name cottonwood refers...

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Arizona (Gambel) Oak

Arizona (Gambel) Oak

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 256

Veterinary Product Number - 256

Comments: This oak is the “white oak” of the southern Rocky Mountain region. It is usually a small tree or a large shrub, and it grows in foothills and canyons,...

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Arizona (Velvet) Ash

Arizona (Velvet) Ash

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 204

Veterinary Product Number - 204

Comments: Arizona ash, also known as velvet ash, is a species found in moist areas near streams or moist canyons up to elevations of about 6500'. It becomes a small-...

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Arizona Cypress

Arizona Cypress

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 244

Veterinary Product Number - 244

Comments: There is disagreement as to whether some forms should be varieties of this species or regarded as separate species. In any case, the “typical” form is distributed from southeastern...

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Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 75

Veterinary Product Number - 75

Comments: This small tree, also known as quaking aspen because its flattened leafstalks allow the small, triangular, yellow-green leaves to flutter in the slightest breeze, has the widest distribution of...

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Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 225

Veterinary Product Number - 225

Comments: There are many species of Baccharis, and there are various common names for individual species such as “groundsel tree,” “desert broom,” and “seepwillow.” Most are large shrubs rather than...

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Bahia Grass

Bahia Grass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - 231

Veterinary Product Number - 231

Comments: This grass, which is native to Brazil (and named after the eastern state of Bahia), Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, has been introduced into warm areas of the US for...

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Bald Cypress

Bald Cypress

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 193

Veterinary Product Number - 193

Comments: Although this species is a conifer, it drops all its leaves in the winter. When it is growing in water or saturated soil, it develops a swollen trunk in...

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Bermuda Grass

Bermuda Grass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - T2ALL

Veterinary Product Number - 2

Comments: This grass, which is native to the savannas of eastern Africa, has been introduced and established in much of the world, including Bermuda from where it is thought to...

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Black Cottonwood

Black Cottonwood

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 444

Veterinary Product Number - 444

Comments: There is some disagreement as to the western border of the range of this species because of the status and distinctness of the closely related balsam poplar, found mainly...

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Black Locust

Black Locust

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 169

Veterinary Product Number - 169

Comments: Black locust is commonly cultivated for its showy white flowers, so the natural range has been expanded greatly. It becomes a medium-sized tree often seen along roadsides, especially in...

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Black Oak

Black Oak

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 114

Veterinary Product Number - 114

Comments: Black oak is an eastern species typically found in rather dry soils such as those on sunny hillsides and ridges. The leaves have pointed lobes and are typically “fuzzy”...

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Black Walnut

Black Walnut

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 140

Veterinary Product Number - 140

Comments: Black walnut is a widespread large tree commonly found on well-drained soils near streams. It has compound leaves up to two feet long, each having some 15 to 23...

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Black Willow

Black Willow

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 142

Veterinary Product Number - 142

Comments: Black willow is the large willow commonly seen along rivers and other wet areas of the eastern US, and it is a “pioneer” on newly-formed sand bars. The light...

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Black/Sweet Birch

Black/Sweet Birch

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 81

Veterinary Product Number - 81

Comments: This birch is one of a few having a distinct “wintergreen” scent to its twigs when broken, and birch beer was made from its sap. It grows in a...

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Bluegum Eucalyptus

Bluegum Eucalyptus

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 196

Veterinary Product Number - 196

Comments: This eucalyptus, also known as Tasmanian blue gum, is one of the hardier species that develop into large trees; thus, it has found California to be a suitable home...

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Box Elder

Box Elder

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 82

Veterinary Product Number - 82

Comments: Box elder is the only native maple having compound leaves, so it is sometimes not recognized as a maple. It is a small tree that is widespread in the...

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Burningbush (Kochia)

Burningbush (Kochia)

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 42

Veterinary Product Number - 42

Comments: This species was introduced to America from Eurasia as an ornamental because of its bright red autumn coloration (and sometimes called “burning bush”). It has found some use as...

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Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 213

Veterinary Product Number - 213

Comments: This shrub of the hot deserts (Mojave, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan) is usually found below an elevation of 4000 feet. It is also known as white burrobrush and cheeseweed, the...

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Burweed Marsh Elder (Giant Poverty)

Burweed Marsh Elder (Giant Poverty)

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 44

Veterinary Product Number - 44

Comments: This species is a common plant along roadsides, cultivated fields, or along streams in much of the central part of the US. It may grow to be 6 feet...

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California Black Walnut

California Black Walnut

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 222

Veterinary Product Number - 222

Comments: California black walnut, also known as California walnut or Southern California black walnut, is a rather small tree up to about 30 feet in height usually found in the...

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California Live Oak

California Live Oak

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 195

Veterinary Product Number - 195

Comments: California live oak, also known as coast live oak, is a picturesque species that often forms open woodlands against the grassy hills and valleys of the coastal ranges of...

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Cedar Elm

Cedar Elm

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 179

Veterinary Product Number - 179

Comments: Cedar elm receives its common name because it often grows with the mountain cedar (Juniperus ashei) in central Texas. It is sometimes called fall blooming elm because it is...

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Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 33

Veterinary Product Number - 33

Comments: This species may grow to be over four feet tall in a variety of waste places and undisturbed areas, especially those that are moist. It has large triangular leaves...

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Common Mugwort

Common Mugwort

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 47

Veterinary Product Number - 47

Comments: This is a common introduced weed of roadsides and cultivated areas, and its range may be expanding. The leaves are usually dissected (somewhat resembling those of the cultivated chrysanthemum),...

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Common Sagebrush

Common Sagebrush

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 61

Veterinary Product Number - 61

Comments: This widespread shrub, also known as “big sagebrush” or “basin sagebrush,” is perhaps the most characteristic species covering the valleys of the Intermountain West. It typically grows to be...

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Couch/Quack Grass

Couch/Quack Grass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - 11

Veterinary Product Number - 11

Comments: Couch/Quack Grass grows rapidly using creeping rhizomes. The leaves are flat and hairy with upright flower spikes. The leaves are linear, 8-16 inches long, and 1-3.5 inches broad at...

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Cultivated Corn

Cultivated Corn

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - 149

Veterinary Product Number - 149

Comments: Corn, also known as maize, is the most important field crop in America and is grown on every continent except Antarctica. It was introduced from Mexico to the United...

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Cultivated Oat

Cultivated Oat

Type - Other

Human Product Number - 21

Veterinary Product Number - 21

Comments: The cultivated oat, originally from Eurasia (probably western Europe), was introduced to North America in 1602, and is cultivated mostly as a feed for animals but about 5% is...

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Cultivated Rye

Cultivated Rye

Type - Other

Human Product Number - 23

Veterinary Product Number - 23

Comments: Cultivated rye, originally from S Europe and SW Asia, was introduced to North America, and is cultivated as a cereal crop. It grows mostly in the north central states...

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Cultivated Wheat

Cultivated Wheat

Type - Other

Human Product Number - 31

Veterinary Product Number - 31

Comments: Cultivated wheat, also known as common or bread wheat, was introduced to North America. It is originally from the Fertile Crescent of SW Asia where it was first cultivated....

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Type - Other

Human Product Number - 158

Veterinary Product Number - 158

Comments: Ox-eye daisy is a perennial native to temperate Eurasia and has become established in much of North America. It has been introduced as an ornamental, but essentially all parts...

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Type - Other

Human Product Number - 159

Veterinary Product Number - 159

Comments: This well-known plant is a familiar sign of spring and the bane of those who fastidiously maintain their lawns. It has colonized much of the planet although a Eurasian...

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Desert Ragweed

Desert Ragweed

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 272

Veterinary Product Number - 272

Comments: This species, also known as bursage or burrobrush, is a very common low-growing, grayish-white shrub of the Mojave, Colorado, and Arizona Deserts, usually occurring below elevations of 3000 feet...

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Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 184

Veterinary Product Number - 184

Comments: This species reaches its best development on the coastal plains, and is most often found on undisturbed sandy soils although it can grow on a variety of sites. Although...

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Eastern Cottonwood

Eastern Cottonwood

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 87

Veterinary Product Number - 87

Comments: There is some disagreement as to the western border of the range of this species because of the status and distinctness of the closely related plains cottonwood. Rather large...

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Eastern White Pine

Eastern White Pine

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 130

Veterinary Product Number - 130

Comments: This is the only native eastern “soft” pine. Its needles are very flexible, appearing bluish-green and in bundles of 5. Its rather narrow female cones are not prickly. It...

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English Plantain

English Plantain

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 54

Veterinary Product Number - 54

Comments: This is a common weed of lawns and roadsides. The flowers are borne on heads (well known to children as natural “bullets!”) whose supporting stalks protrude from the mass...

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English Walnut

English Walnut

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 210

Veterinary Product Number - 210

Comments: English walnut (also known as Persian walnut) is native from southeastern Europe eastward through the Himalayan region to China. It grows to be a large rounded tree to some...

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False Ragweed

False Ragweed

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 185

Veterinary Product Number - 185

Comments: This native species is a common weedy plant. In addition to its aggressiveness in establishing itself along roadsides and the allergenicity of its pollen, the seeds are contained in...

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Giant (Tall) Ragweed

Giant (Tall) Ragweed

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 55

Veterinary Product Number - 55

Comments: This impressive native annual weed can grow to be over 13 feet tall. It is especially abundant in wet areas such as sandbars along rivers. The larger leaves usually...

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Giant Wild Ryegrass

Giant Wild Ryegrass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - 264

Veterinary Product Number - 264

Comments: Giant Wild Ryegrass is an evergreen grass that grows 3-10 feet tall and 2-8 feet wide. It is drought tolerant, has no fragrance, and can be easily contained despite...

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Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 37

Veterinary Product Number - 37

Comments: Goldenrod is a familiar wildflower of the late summer and autumn, and it lends its bright yellow color to many fields, pastures, and roadsides. There are over 100 species...

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Green Amaranth

Green Amaranth

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 32

Veterinary Product Number - 32

Comments: Green Amaranth was originally a pioneer plant in eastern North America and therefore grows in just about any condition. It is a summer annual, growing 2-4 feet tall. The...

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Green Ash

Green Ash

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 72

Veterinary Product Number - 72

Comments: Green ash, also called red ash, is a very widespread species typically found in floodplains and other moist areas, often following rivers far westward into otherwise mostly treeless areas....

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Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 98

Veterinary Product Number - 98

Comments: Hackberry is typically a rather small tree found in lowland areas, such as in floodplains of rivers or on rocky slopes and bluffs, especially those underlain by limestone. Leaves...

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Hazel Alder

Hazel Alder

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 69

Veterinary Product Number - 69

Comments: This species, commonly seen along stream banks and other moist areas at low elevations of the southeastern US, is also known as tag/smooth alder. It is a large shrub...

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Hazelnut (Filbert)

Hazelnut (Filbert)

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 99

Veterinary Product Number - 99

Comments: The American hazelnut, also known as the American filbert, is usually a large shrub but may grow to be a small tree approaching 20 feet in height. The leaves...

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Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 212

Veterinary Product Number - 212

Comments: This plant, also known as pickleweed, is a native woody shrub having succulent twigs with scalelike leaves that grows to about 3 feet in height. It is restricted to...

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Italian Ryegrass

Italian Ryegrass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - 25

Veterinary Product Number - 25

Comments: Italian Ryegrass is often used for erosion control. Though quite similar to perennial ryegrass, Italian Ryegrass is an annual or biennial. It grows to 2-3 feet tall. The plants...

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Johnson Grass

Johnson Grass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - 15

Veterinary Product Number - 15

Comments: Johnson grass is a rather large perennial grass introduced from the Mediterranean region that is related to the commercially-grown sorghum. It can get to be as tall as eight...

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Kentucky Blue/June Grass

Kentucky Blue/June Grass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - T16

Veterinary Product Number - 16

Comments: Kentucky blue grass, also known as June grass, was introduced from Europe and is naturalized throughout most of the US, although it is possible that some populations are also...

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Lamb's Quarters

Lamb's Quarters

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 43

Veterinary Product Number - 43

Comments: This annual plant is regarded as an introduction from Europe (where it is called Fat Hen) although there may be native populations. Because it thrives in disturbed rich moist...

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Lenscale (Quailbush)

Lenscale (Quailbush)

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number -

Veterinary Product Number -

Comments: This species, known by several other common names such as big saltbush, is a grayish-green, evergreen shrub usually found in and bordering the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts, below 4500...

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Loblolly Pine

Loblolly Pine

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 132

Veterinary Product Number - 132

Comments: Loblolly pine is cultivated well outside its natural range for its wood and as an ornamental, thus obscuring its natural distribution. It is the most common pine in much...

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Lombardy's Poplar

Lombardy's Poplar

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 177

Veterinary Product Number - 177

Comments: Lombardy’s poplar is a cultivar of the European black poplar that has a characteristic columnar or fastigiate shape. It is a male clone that originated in Lombardy, northern Italy,...

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Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 257

Veterinary Product Number - 257

Comments: Introduced to and naturalized in Hawaii and southern Florida and currently under cultivation in southern and central California, this tree is a source of the delicious mango fruit. There...

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Meadow Fescue

Meadow Fescue

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - T14

Veterinary Product Number - 14

Comments: Meadow fescue was introduced from Europe to North America, and is cultivated in both regions for permanent pasture, hay, and lawns. It is a hardy, perennial, bunch-forming grass that...

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Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 221

Veterinary Product Number - 221

Comments: This small exotic tree, introduced from Australia where it is known as paperbark, has aggressively established itself throughout much of the area between the center of Florida and Lake...

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Mountain Cedar (Ashe Juniper)

Mountain Cedar (Ashe Juniper)

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 83

Veterinary Product Number - 83

Comments: This species, also known as ashe juniper, is essentially restricted to dry open areas underlain by limestone, and is a very conspicuous species in the “Hill Country” of Texas,...

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Type - Other

Human Product Number - 174

Veterinary Product Number - 174

Comments: Mustard is an annual or biennial and grows to be 2-4 feet tall and 1-2 feet broad, blooming from May to September. Mustard is the third largest source of...

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Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 36

Veterinary Product Number - 36

Comments: Nettle is a perennial herbaceous plant that forms colonies on floodplains, riverbanks, and other moist places, and introduced populations complement native ones. The plants may reach 6 feet in...

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Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 123

Veterinary Product Number - 123

Comments: Olive is a large shrub or small evergreen tree cultivated for thousands of years in the Mediterranean region, where it is native. It was introduced into the US, but...

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Oneseed Juniper

Oneseed Juniper

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 243

Veterinary Product Number - 243

Comments: This species has a wide distribution in the interior Southwest, centered in New Mexico where it forms extensive woodlands with pinyon pine and wavyleaf oak, but mingling with other...

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Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 247

Veterinary Product Number - 247

Comments: The orange, which is probably native to southeastern Asia or adjacent regions, has been introduced into Florida and California, and it is also grown in warmer parts of Arizona,...

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Orchard Grass

Orchard Grass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - T20

Veterinary Product Number - 20

Comments: This grass grows to be some 60 to 100 cm tall, and has rather massive flower heads. It has a bluish-green color, and the upper part of the...

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Oregon Ash

Oregon Ash

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 73

Veterinary Product Number - 73

Comments: Oregon ash is a species found near streams and other moist areas. In the southern and hence drier parts of its range, its distribution is limited to sources of...

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Palmer's Amaranth

Palmer's Amaranth

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 49

Veterinary Product Number - 49

Comments: Palmer’s Amaranth is the most aggressive pigweed species with respect to growth rate and competitive ability. It is a threat to several farm crops, specifically cotton and soybeans, and...

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Palo Verde

Palo Verde

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - AM0338

Veterinary Product Number -

Comments: The Palo Verde is a rapidly growing perennial shrub or tree and grows to 32-39 feet at maturity and has a large canopy. It is primarily found in the...

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Paper Mulberry

Paper Mulberry

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 113

Veterinary Product Number - 113

Comments: This small tree was introduced into the US from eastern Asia where the inner bark has been used as a source of paper. It develops a rounded crown to...

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Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 127

Veterinary Product Number - 127

Comments: This hickory is famous for its tasty nuts. As the most commercially important, nut-bearing tree in the US, pecan has been introduced into several eastern states, particularly southwestern Georgia,...

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Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 258

Veterinary Product Number - 258

Comments: Introduced and naturalized in California and occasionally other areas in the southwestern US, this pepper tree is native to Peru. Pepper tree has hanging compound leaves with narrow leaflets...

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Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial Ryegrass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - T24

Veterinary Product Number - 24

Comments: Perennial Ryegrass is a tufted, bunching, hairless grass that grows from 1-2 feet tall. There are numerous long, narrow, stiff leaves near the base of the plant. The leaves...

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Ponderosa Pine

Ponderosa Pine

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 478

Veterinary Product Number - 478

Comments: This tree is occasionally called western yellow pine. Although it is widely distributed in the western half of the US, there are many areas within this range where the...

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Post Oak

Post Oak

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 119

Veterinary Product Number - 119

Comments: Post oak is a component of many kinds of forests and woodlands, especially those that have rather dry soil. It ranges from the sandy pinelands of the East Coast...

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Prairie Sage

Prairie Sage

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 48

Veterinary Product Number - 48

Comments: This native “subshrub” or perennial forb having a woody base is also known as white sagebrush in addition to dozens of other names, and there are several varieties found...

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Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 135

Veterinary Product Number - 135

Comments: There are several species of privet that are cultivated as ornamentals, and some have become naturalized. It is usually a shrub but occasionally becomes a small tree. The small,...

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Queen Palm

Queen Palm

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 216

Veterinary Product Number - 216

Comments: The Queen Palm is not native to North America but has been introduced to select areas of the US as a popular ornamental garden tree. It is a fast-growing,...

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Rabbit Bush

Rabbit Bush

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 238

Veterinary Product Number - 238

Comments: The Rabbit Bush shrub grows in desert habitats and is one of the most abundant plants in the Arizona Sonoran Desert, growing on steep, rocky slopes. The Rabbit Bush...

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Red Alder

Red Alder

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 217

Veterinary Product Number - 217

Comments: The rapidly growing red alder, the largest native alder, may exceed 75 feet in height and is the most abundant hardwood in much of the region west of the...

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Red Cedar

Red Cedar

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 84

Veterinary Product Number - 84

Comments: This species is found in a variety of habitats, especially open areas underlain by limestone. It is often common along fence lines where the seeds have been deposited by...

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Red Clover

Red Clover

Type - Other

Human Product Number - 146

Veterinary Product Number - 146

Comments: This clover is a conspicuous perennial because of its dark pink or magenta flower heads nearly an inch in diameter and comprised of as many as 125 florets. Red...

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Red Maple

Red Maple

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 108

Veterinary Product Number - 108

Comments: This is a common deciduous tree found in many kinds of forests, but favoring those that are rather moist. It is prized as an ornamental. This tree earns the...

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Red Mulberry

Red Mulberry

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 112

Veterinary Product Number - 112

Comments: This is the only native mulberry throughout its range except for the extreme southwestern part. It is a relatively small- or medium-sized tree, sporadically distributed in lowland areas and...

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Red Oak

Red Oak

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 120

Veterinary Product Number - 120

Comments: Red oak, also known as northern red oak, is an eastern species typically found in deep, fine soils found in valleys and protected slopes. Stands may develop composed mostly...

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Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - T22

Veterinary Product Number - 22

Comments: Because Redtop germinates quickly, it is often used for erosion control and in pastures. It is a rhizomatous perennial grass. The 3/8-inch leaves are narrow and sharp. Its slender...

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Reed Canarygrass

Reed Canarygrass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - 9

Veterinary Product Number - 9

Comments: This perennial grass, native to both North America and Eurasia, spreads aggressively in wet soil by means of rhizomes and is considered a noxious invasive weed in some areas...

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River Birch

River Birch

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 79

Veterinary Product Number - 79

Comments: This is the only birch native to lowland areas of the southeastern US, and it is typically found in wet areas such as floodplains of rivers and streams. It...

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Rocky Mountain Juniper

Rocky Mountain Juniper

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 280

Veterinary Product Number - 280

Comments: Rocky Mountain juniper is most abundant in the Rocky Mountains as the name suggests, but it has a spotty distribution in many other areas from well within the Great...

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Rough Redroot Pigweed

Rough Redroot Pigweed

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 52

Veterinary Product Number - 52

Comments: This weed is an annual species that reproduces by seed and may establish itself aggressively in cultivated fields. It can get to be six feet tall with bristly looking...

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Russian Olive

Russian Olive

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 479

Veterinary Product Number - 479

Comments: Russian olive, also known as oleaster, is native to southern Europe and central Asia. It is a shrub or small tree that was introduced to North America as an...

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Russian Thistle

Russian Thistle

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 59

Veterinary Product Number - 59

Comments: This annual weed is also known as tumbleweed because the dried plants, a symbol of the American west, typically break away at the base and get blown about by...

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Salt Cedar/Tamarisk

Salt Cedar/Tamarisk

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 242

Veterinary Product Number - 242

Comments: Tamarix or salt cedar, of which several very similar species are naturalized in the US, was brought from southern Europe to establish windbreaks, stabilize streamside soil, and use as...

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Shagbark Hickory

Shagbark Hickory

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 103

Veterinary Product Number - 103

Comments: This hickory is distinct because of its bark, sections of which peel away from the trunk (giving the species its common name). The leaves usually have five leaflets that...

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Sheep (Red) Sorrel

Sheep (Red) Sorrel

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 64

Veterinary Product Number - 64

Comments: This small plant makes its appearance in early spring, and is seldom much more than a foot in height. Its small leaves (generally less than 2 inches long except...

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Shellbark Hickory

Shellbark Hickory

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 102

Veterinary Product Number - 102

Comments: This hickory, also called big shellbark or king nut hickory, has a certain degree of shagginess to its bark, but the most obvious features are the gigantic nuts and...

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Short Ragweed

Short Ragweed

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 56

Veterinary Product Number - 56

Comments: This species is the “king” of allergenic plants, being the most important for allergy in America and the most widespread among several species of ragweed. Sometimes called “common” ragweed,...

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Siberian Elm

Siberian Elm

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 93

Veterinary Product Number - 93

Comments: The Siberian Elm is a medium-sized, quickly growing tree introduced into North America during the 1860s from northeastern Asia because of its ability to withstand the extreme winter cold,...

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Silver/Soft Maple

Silver/Soft Maple

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 109

Veterinary Product Number - 109

Comments: Silver maple grows rapidly and is found in wet areas such as floodplains. It is often used in landscaping but is brittle and often becomes hollow due to decay....

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Smooth Brome

Smooth Brome

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - 8

Veterinary Product Number - 8

Comments: Smooth Brome is a perennial, 1.5-3 feet tall, that produces a dense sod. It flowers in the early spring (usually May to July) and may re-flower in the fall...

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Spiny Pigweed

Spiny Pigweed

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 53

Veterinary Product Number - N/A

Comments: This weed is an annual species that reproduces by seed and may establish itself in pastures and hayfields. It can grow to be over five feet tall with bristly...

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Spring Birch (Water Birch)

Spring Birch (Water Birch)

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 426

Veterinary Product Number - 426

Comments: Spring Birch is common in river woodland areas, often occurring in narrow bands along rivers, though they can be found well into sagebrush flats. It is a deciduous tree,...

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Sugar/Hard Maple

Sugar/Hard Maple

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 110

Veterinary Product Number - 110

Comments: Sugar maple is widely planted as an ornamental. It likes rich, well-drained soils. It is tapped for its sweet sap from which syrup and sugar are made. The leaf...

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Type - Other

Human Product Number - 164

Veterinary Product Number - 164

Comments: Sunflower is a familiar flower found growing both in the garden and along the roadside. There are several species grown in gardens, including cultivars having mammoth flower heads. The...

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Sweet Vernal Grass

Sweet Vernal Grass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - T27

Veterinary Product Number - 27

Comments: This grass, which is native to the Old World, grows to be some 30 to 60 cm (about 12 to 24 inches) tall, and has rather dense flower heads...

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Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 137

Veterinary Product Number - 137

Comments: Sweetgum is a very distinct species that becomes a large tree under suitable growing conditions, which typically involve moist soils. The leaves are rather star-shaped with their five or...

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Tall Waterhemp

Tall Waterhemp

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 40

Veterinary Product Number - N/A

Comments: Tall Waterhemp is a summer annual with hairless stems and leaves, giving it a glossy appearance. The leaves are long and narrow and are green to reddish in color....

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Timothy Grass

Timothy Grass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - T28

Veterinary Product Number - 28

Comments: Timothy grass, a clump-forming, perennial grass introduced from Europe, is a rather tall species sometimes reaching more than five feet in height. Leaves may approach a foot in length...

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Tree of Heaven

Tree of Heaven

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 40

Veterinary Product Number - 40

Comments: Tree of Heaven is a fast-growing, deciduous tree that can reach 49 feet in 25 years. The Tree of Heaven can clone itself almost indefinitely through suckering. Therefore, it...

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True (Rough) Marsh Elder

True (Rough) Marsh Elder

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 45

Veterinary Product Number - 45

Comments: This native annual weed reaches its best development in the south central part of the US, especially in the Mississippi Delta region. It may exceed 6 feet in height...

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Utah Juniper

Utah Juniper

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 233

Veterinary Product Number - 233

Comments: Utah juniper is the most abundant and widespread juniper between the Continental Divide and the Sierra Nevada, and is the only juniper in most of the Great Basin. In...

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Velvet Mesquite

Velvet Mesquite

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 111

Veterinary Product Number - 111

Comments: The species, sometimes called honey mesquite, includes a form called western honey mesquite and covers extensive acreage in Texas and the southwestern US. Its presence in Louisiana and Kansas...

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Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - 29

Veterinary Product Number - 29

Comments: This perennial grass, native to Europe (and known as Yorkshire fog in Great Britain) and parts of Asia and northern Africa, was introduced into North America either accidentally or...

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Virginia Live Oak

Virginia Live Oak

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 116

Veterinary Product Number - 116

Comments: This tree is called “live oak” because of its having evergreen leaves in areas of the country where nearly all other large oaks are deciduous. It is sometimes referred...

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Wax Myrtle

Wax Myrtle

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 173

Veterinary Product Number - 173

Comments: This small tree or large shrub has yellow-green, evergreen leaves, and it usually grows in wet areas, such as swamps or pond margins. The flowers are small and inconspicuous,...

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Western Cottonwood

Western Cottonwood

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 88

Veterinary Product Number - 88

Comments: There is some disagreement as to the eastern border of the range of this tree because of the status and distinctness of the closely related eastern cottonwood. Western cottonwood,...

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Western Juniper

Western Juniper

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 254

Veterinary Product Number - 254

Comments: This species, sometimes called sierra juniper, has a rather extensive range in the West Coast region, and two forms are recognized. One typically is found at moderate elevations of...

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Western Ragweed

Western Ragweed

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 58

Veterinary Product Number - 58

Comments: This species, also known as Perennial Ragweed or Cuman Ragweed, is a native herbaceous species that spreads by rootstocks. It is common along roadsides and in disturbed soil. It...

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Western Wheatgrass

Western Wheatgrass

Type - Grasses

Human Product Number - 186

Veterinary Product Number - 186

Comments: Western Wheatgrass is often used in grazing pastures and is palatable to wildlife and livestock. While slow to germinate, it is long-lived once established. Stems appear singly or in...

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Western White Pine

Western White Pine

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 480

Veterinary Product Number - 480

Comments: Western white pine is an important western timber tree, and it is found from near sea level in the northern part of its range up to 12,000 feet or...

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White Alder

White Alder

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 438

Veterinary Product Number - 438

Comments: White alder often forms a clump of small trees, but sometimes an individual tree may have a trunk with a diameter of 12 inches. This species is typically found...

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White Ash

White Ash

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 74

Veterinary Product Number - 74

Comments: White ash is a very widespread species typically found in moist areas near streams or on slopes. It becomes a medium-sized tree. The compound leaves, each composed of five...

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White Birch

White Birch

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 80

Veterinary Product Number - 80

Comments: This birch, also known as gray birch, is a small tree that easily establishes itself and grows well in poor soils, often in pine barrens. It is a short-lived...

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White Hickory

White Hickory

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 104

Veterinary Product Number - 104

Comments: This hickory has rather small hard nuts enclosed within thick husks, hence the other common name mockernut hickory. It is the most commonly encountered hickory in the southern part...

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White Mulberry

White Mulberry

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 194

Veterinary Product Number - 194

Comments: This small tree, native to China, was introduced into the US as part of an attempt to establish the silkworm industry. It has shiny leaves that are often lobed,...

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White Oak

White Oak

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 122

Veterinary Product Number - 122

Comments: White oak is a component of many kinds of forests, especially those that have moderately moist soil and have been allowed to mature over a long period of time....

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White Poplar

White Poplar

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 134

Veterinary Product Number - 134

Comments: White poplar was brought to North America during colonial times from Eurasia for the ornamental qualities of its rather shallow-lobed leaves, which are dark green above but whitish on...

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Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 206

Veterinary Product Number - 206

Comments: This species, also known as fourwing saltbush, is a very common, grayish-white shrub found throughout most of the Southwest and northward, occurring from 2000 feet up to 8000 feet...

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Yellow (Curly) Dock

Yellow (Curly) Dock

Type - Weeds

Human Product Number - 35

Veterinary Product Number - 35

Comments: This common perennial weed makes its appearance in early spring, and its typically unbranched flowering stem or stalk may grow to be over five feet tall. Its leaves, which...

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Yellow Pine

Yellow Pine

Type - Trees

Human Product Number - 131

Veterinary Product Number - 131

Comments: This tree is also known as shortleaf pine in the southern parts of its range because it has markedly shorter leaves than the associated loblolly, longleaf, or slash pines...

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