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Arizona (Gambel) Oak



Quercus gambelii




Common: Rocky Mountain White Oak


Western US

  • S Nevada northeastward to N Utah and southcentral Wyoming
  • Southcentral Wyoming southward to W Texas
  • W Texas through SE and central Arizona to S Nevada

Human Product Number - 256

Veterinary Product Number - 256


This oak is the “white oak” of the southern Rocky Mountain region. It is usually a small tree or a large shrub, and it grows in foothills and canyons, sometimes covering an entire hillside. It is typically found below or in the lowest forest zones of the mountains, sometimes in the ponderosa pine belt. Its leaves have rounded lobes, dark green on top and lighter underneath, and the acorns, which mature in one season, are relatively small. Pollination, achieved by wind, takes place in the early spring, the male flowers being on catkins and the female developing from the bases of the leaves.