Citrus X sinensis
Botanical: Citrus sinensis
Introduced from tropical Asia to southern US
Human Product Number - 247
Veterinary Product Number - 247
The orange, which is probably native to southeastern Asia or adjacent regions, has been introduced into Florida and California, and it is also grown in warmer parts of Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. Plantations in Hawaii failed due to the ravages of fruit flies. It occasionally becomes established in the wild in Florida. The flowers, although primarily insect-pollinated, may cause an allergic reaction in some patients. There are many cultivars, and some are better for juice production while others are eaten as fresh fruit. The white fragrant flowers, although mainly insect-pollinated, are occasionally responsible for allergy. The fruit, measuring from about 2.5 to about 4 inches in diameter, contains a somewhat fibrous orange flesh and contains about a dozen juicy sections, with each containing a couple seeds although some cultivars are seedless.