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Meadow Fescue



Festuca elatior


(includes all the grasses, including grains)


Botanical: Lolium pratense, Schedonorus pratensis, Festuca pratensis


Throughout US; reaches best development in northern half

Human Product Number - T14

Veterinary Product Number - 14


Meadow fescue was introduced from Europe to North America, and is cultivated in both regions for permanent pasture, hay, and lawns. It is a hardy, perennial, bunch-forming grass that is especially suitable for cool climates. It may reach 30 inches in height and is sometimes weedy. The inflorescence is an open panicle. Meadow fescue is being planted less as it is replaced by the similar tall fescue, a more desirable grass for pastures. The fescues are closely related to perennial ryegrass in spite of the differences in appearance.