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White Hickory



Carya tomentosa




Common: Mockernut Hickory
Botanical: Carya alba


Eastern US

  • SW New Hampshire southward to central Florida
  • Central Florida westward to central Texas
  • Central Texas northeastward to SE Iowa
  • SE Iowa eastward to SW New Hampshire
  • Lacking from most of Lower Mississippi Valley

Human Product Number - 104

Veterinary Product Number - 104


This hickory has rather small hard nuts enclosed within thick husks, hence the other common name mockernut hickory. It is the most commonly encountered hickory in the southern part of the US. Although the trees grow best in rich, well-drained soils, they are sometimes found on dry hillsides. The wood is especially suitable for making tool handles. The leaves have 5 or 7 leaflets and are rather hairy. The bark has a fine net-like pattern. The abundant wind-blown pollen is released from catkins in the spring, and the nuts, which form near the ends of the twigs, develop throughout the summer.