Amaranthus tuberculatus
Common: Roughfruit Amaranth, Rough-Fruited Waterhemp
Native to every US state except Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Florida, Virginia, and Maryland
Human Product Number - 40
Veterinary Product Number - N/A
Tall Waterhemp is a summer annual with hairless stems and leaves, giving it a glossy appearance. The leaves are long and narrow and are green to reddish in color. The stems can be up to 3 feet long and red or green in color. Tall Waterhemp typically grows in wet habitats, such as ponds, marshes, lakes, creeks, and riverbeds. However, it can grow in a wide variety of climates and is found in 40 states in the US. It produces a large number of very small (1/32 inch) reddish to black seeds. The seeds are wind-pollinated over large distances, and Tall Waterhemp grows 50-70% faster than other annual weeds, making it an invasive weed in agricultural fields and other disturbed areas.